St Martins Centre was developed by St Martins Properties. Notably St Martins Tower being 34 levels and 133 metres high was the tallest city building in WA when completed in 1976.
Additional retail is located beneath 50 St Georges Terrace to service tenants and visitors to the Centre.
The St Martins Centre is enhanced by many artworks, including interior sculptured wall panels in copper, bronze and steel by talented home-grown artists, Charles Smith and Joan Walsh-Smith.
This internationally renowned husband-and-wife team are also responsible for the stunning seven-foot-tall bronze statues in the prestigious forecourt preceding the centre.
The five imposing sculptures from “Footsteps in Time” commemorate the 175th anniversary of Western Australia and symbolise the business people who have built this thriving CBD. Inspired by the fact that St Martins Centre occupies the site of the first businessman’s club of WA, this public artwork recognises their involvement in historical moments during Perth’s development.
1. Dutch exploration, discovery, mapping and naming of the Swan River 1697
2. Anglo – Celtic settlement of the Swan River – 1829
3. Discovery of gold – 1885-95
4. Post World War II European immigration – 1945-55
5. The Millennium Man – 2004
To the eastern side of the centre, visually-arresting steel suspensions add cultural ambience while acting as buffers between the St Martins Centre and adjacent buildings.